I am one of the Co-PIs of the Constrained Local Universe Simulations -CLUES- a set of cosmological simulations of our Local Group of galaxies with constrained initial conditions.
These are the ideal test bench to study galaxy formation in our local neighborhood.
More info at https://www.clues-project.org/cms/
Ultra diffuse and low surface brightness galaxies.
Mass-discrepancy acceleration relation.
Running high resolution, hydrodynamical simulations of the Local Group with Constrained Initial Conditions and up-to-date stellar feedback.
Understanding how different types of feedback influence galaxy formation simulations.
Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation: isolated galaxies (MAGICC and NIHAO project) and constrained Local Group simulations (CLUES project).
LCDM problems at small scales: cusp/core discrepancy, missing satellites and too-big-to-fail problem.
Star formation history in Local Group satellite galaxies: the impact of environment and infalling.
Role of baryonic feedback in shaping the dark matter density profile of galaxies: theoretical predictions for populations of galaxies
We show the time evolution of 2 star formation enhanced satellite galaxies (IDs 17 and 795, top) and one unchanged/suppresed (ID 387, bottom) from the CLUES simulations.These movies are intended as complementary material associated to the publication Di Cintio+2021.They have been made using the publicly available SPH-viewer code, which can be downloaded in github.